The framework that ISTE’s Essential Conditions offers for implementing a technology plan shares some key ideals with a framework for innovation I’ve been pondering, including a shared vision, empowered leaders (and every stakeholder should be considered a leader), and ongoing professional learning.

Some technology plans for small, rural schools I recently looked at tended (like mine) to focus on other essential conditions, like those for equitable access, consistent and adequate funding, and technical support. This makes sense: some of us are still trying to find our way out of the technology dark ages. But once a foundation of equitability, funding, and technical support is built…what next? After all, an AUP does not a vision be.

Ah, the ISTE conditions. My goal: break each essential condition down into at least one local goal. Spell out the action steps that support that goal: Who? Budget? Infrastructure? PD needs? Timing? Success Indicators (data)?

For example:

Condition: Engaged Communities

Local Goal: Active online presence for school.

Action item: Updated website, Facebook, and Twitter.

Who implements: Technology Coordinator

Responsibility shifts/Job adjustment needed?: remove from breakfast duty two days a week.

Budget: $0

Infrastructure needs: None

PD: None

Success Indicators: community survey, page assessments.


Do this, and my tech plan update will finally be underway!

4 thoughts on “Tackling that tech plan…”

  1. Love how you move right to action steps. My kind of thinking! You simplify it so well that it would seem difficult NOT to do…way to go, Heath convert!

    1. Thank you! I’m going with a Pick 3 mentality to start: Digital Portfolios; broad, diverse collaboration and connection.and…not sure what the last one will be! Too many options…and I have to figure out how to “cannonball” into this so that others jump in with me and not just get up and leave the pool area because the got all wet.

  2. Hi Laurie,
    I like how you’ve started thinking about implementing ISTE’s Essential Conditions at the local level. After feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work involved, you have inspired me to look at it in a new light. Thanks!

    1. Thanks! While I feel our district is still responsible for coming up with a technology plan, there are thing the school can get moving on that fit nicely with our direction: digital portfolios and broad, diverse collaboration and connection. I need to “shrink the change” somehow to help me get a direction, and this assignment helped!

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